Circus Tape

The Circus Tape is a semi-lost Rock-afire Explosion showtape from 1985 for ShowBiz Pizza Place.(0)


The first hint of the showtape existing would come from the uncovering of the 1986 SPP Circus - Monkees tape in 2008, which at the time was believed to be the originator of the songs.(1) On October 21, 2011, the first sightings of the tape would be posted online, though once again presumed to be the Circus/Monkees collaboration tape.(2) In the late 2010's, the Hannah Banana tracks would leak online. The intro to the demo tape portion contains a segment likely from the Circus Tape featuring Dook Larue shouting "Come see the show!".(4) On May 25th, 2024, Creative Engineering would release a YouTube video with a segment detailing the Circus showtape- as it was unclear to Aaron that the tape had been lost since it's creation. The 'The Show Must Go On' segment would be partially debut, with plans for a release of the tape teased.(0) On July 14, 2024, at Billy Con IV at Billy Bob's Wonderland , the segment Tears of a Clown from the tape would debut after being found by a fan, Jonah/Rockafirefan123.(3)

Cut Shows

Multiple pieces from the tape are known to be cut from the final ShowBiz release

Show List