Citrus Heights, CA (7614 Greenback Lane)

The Location's Exterior in the early 1980's. (PC: David Antonio)
The Location's Exterior in the early 1980's. (PC: David Antonio)
7614 Greenback Lane was a Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre that opened on December 26, 1979 and closed in January 1985 with a Cyberamics Portrait Shelf Stage This was the 8th PTT ever opened. This location is not to be confused with Citrus Heights, CA (6251 Sunrise Blvd) , which is a Chuck E. Cheese that opened as a ShowBiz Pizza Place & is still open today with the CEC 2.0 Remodel Program & a Chuck E Live Stage (Dance Floor).


Citrus Heights opened with a Portrait Stage, but we only have one photo showing a bit of it. After the location's closure, the Cyberamics were sold in the store's auction.
Stage Installed Removed Notes
Cyberamics Portrait Shelf Stage(0) December 1979 January 1985 8th Chuck E. Cheese location ever opened.


7614 Greenback lane opened on December 26, 1979 with a Portrait Stage. The location's manager was Dave Wright(0). The location possibly had the Cyberamics one one wall(0) (Contains an Interview with a person who went to the store & worked at Citrus Heights, CA (6251 Sunrise Blvd) ). the location had a Helen Henny (Lounge) (0). The Location had a sale for Large Pizzas that would also give you a Rat tales comic book & Some tokens(3). The location had Sally Sashay as their guest star along with a Dolli Dimples (Cabaret) . In 1980, The location appeared in a Channel 40 local Sacramento news broadcast The Store would be chosen to be the filming location of Pizza Time Theatre 1979 Spot (Commercial) along with Concord, CA (1975 Diamond Blvd) (1). In August 1981, People selected from several locations, including Citrus, were put into a contest(1). In 1981/1982, they received a minor remodel, removing some older décor for newer décor, and possibly replaced the exterior sign with the new logo along with new events like teen night & adding new Guest Stars(4). The location closed in January 1985 for unknown reasons with an auction also being held on January 12th 1985. It is unknown why Citrus Heights (Greenback) closed but one possible reason could be competition from the Citrus Heights, CA (6251 Sunrise Blvd) which was only 3 minutes away. Another possible reason is that it may had been under-performing, a reason for many closures around this time. The site is now a Save on Cleaners.


Animatronic Serial Number Installed Removed Whereabouts Notes
Chuck E Cheese (Cyberamic) Unknown December 1979 January 1985 Unknown. Sold In Auction.
Jasper T Jowls (Cyberamic) Unknown December 1979 January 1985 Unknown. Sold In Auction.
Pasqually (Cyberamic) Unknown December 1979 January 1985 Unknown. Sold In Auction.
Mr Munch (Cyberamic) Unknown December 1979 January 1985 Unknown. Sold In Auction.
Guest Star Helen Henny (Cyberamic) Unknown December 1979 January 1985 Unknown. Sold In Auction. Originally had Sally Sashay Cosmetics.
Warblettes (Cyberamic) Unknown December 1979 January 1985 Unknown. Sold In Auction.
Waving Flags (Cyberamic) Unknown December 1979 January 1985 Unknown. Sold In Auction.
Clapper Board (Cyberamic) Unknown December 1979 January 1985 Unknown. Sold In Auction.
Drum Board (Cyberamic) Unknown December 1979 January 1985 Unknown. Sold In Auction.
Dolli Dimples (Cabaret) Unknown December 1979 January 1985 Unknown. Sold In Auction
Helen Henny (Lounge) Unknown December 1979 January 1985 Unknown. Sold In Auction. Huntington Beach, CA (15511 Edwards St) Confirmed.


No Videos have been fully confirmed to be from Citrus Heights.



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