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Color Call-out Monitor System

The Color Call-out Monitor System (AKA Video Call-out System, and later called the Pasqually Hot Line) was Pizza Time Theatre's successor to the NOTALOG system used at the first location, San Jose, CA (370 S Winchester Blvd).


Exactly like NOTALOG, employees will punch in a number to have it displayed on a TV screen, and punching in the same number again will remove it from the screen. CCMS Adds an additional LED display to preview the numbers currently being punched in, alongside a CLEAR key to remove the currently typed number. Only 2-digit numbers can be entered for an order.https://www.showbizpizza.com/info/documents/ptt/ptt_pasquallyhotline.pdf New numbers will flash up in large size on the screen, but unlike NOTLOG, it will only do it for 5 seconds as opposed to 30. Up to 18 displays can be connected to the system.(0)



In September of 1981 the system would be acknowledged for the first and only time in The Pizza Times (Vol. 1, Issue 2, September 1981), stating it to be a system that could display messages alongside order numbers on monitor displays.(3) It is unclear when this system began to roll out to stores, or how many of them received it. In 1982 the system's name would be changed to the 'Pasqually Hot Line'. Alongside this the Pasqually's Hot Line Guide (1982)|Pasqually's Hot Line Guide installation manual would release. In February of 1982 the system would receive a Revision B board, which reportedly fixed a majority of bugs that plagued the system's initial release. In August of 1982 another revision would be made to a PROM (015-0008-01) on a board (006-0025) from Revision A to B to fix two additional bugs. Stores would receive this replacement chip, while all systems made on and after August 20, 1982 would have it on the board.(0)


  1. https://ia800303.us.archive.org/21/items/paintingbynumbers/paintingbynumbersreel2.mp4
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNeLNeALLMM
  3. https://archive.org/details/the-pizza-times-newsletters/1981%20The%20Pizza%20Times%201-2/page/n1/mode/2up

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