Kooser Main Show & Dolli Showtape
Release: 1978 -
Label: "Dolli Dimples 1 (Cabaret Portion)"
The Kooser Main Show & Dolli Showtape was the first show produced for
Kooser PTT Show at the
San Jose, CA (1371 Kooser Rd) location, releasing in December of 1978.
Label: "Dolli Dimples 1 (Cabaret Portion)"
Released On:
- Dolli Dimples VA: Donna Miller
- Recording Studio: Corasound
For the Dolli part of the Showtape, the audio would be produced at Corasound Recording (122E Paul Drive, San Rafael. CA 94903) in two sessions. Session recording #1 was done on November 9, 1978. The audio consists of the final versions and outtakes for segments 1, and 3-11. The session recording #2 was done on November 13, 1978, consisting of the final versions and outtakes for segments 2, and 12-20. The 8-track master tape was recorded on an Otari MX 5050.(1)(2)(3)Showtape Run
There is conflicting evidence on whether the showtape was played throughout the entirety of the Kooser PTT Show run until it was replaced by Cyberamics in Spring of 1980, or if other tapes were made to replace it. One image of the showtape can be seen in March of 1979, with an April article confirming the original tape's programming was still in the store.(4) However, in the Real People footage of the Kooser store, a tape with a different label can be seen on the deck. The footage would air as part of Season 3, Episode 13, on November 12, 1980. It is believed that Real People filmed Season 2 and 3 simultaneously, explaining the gap between the footage and the final air date. Season 1 would conclude on April 18, 1979, and the Kooser Rd store would upgrade to Cyberamics in either April or May of 1980. This makes the potential filming date between those dates. This puts the differently labeled tape after the March 1979 label, and consequently, the Main Show segments believed to be from the store's initial opening could actually be new ones from this differently labeled tape. It is unclear however if this label change was just for labeling, a simple revision to the initial tape's programming, or an entirely different tape from the one at the store's debut.Segments
- Segment 1
- Hooray for Hollywood
- Segment 2
- Down By the Old Mill Stream
- Segment 3
- Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
- Segment 1
- Right Back Where I Started From
- Segment 2
- Deep In the Heart of Texas
- Segment 3
- Frankie and Johnny
- Segment 4
- Hello, Dolly (Dolli)
- Segment 5
- Talk To the Animals
- Segment 6
- Toot, Toot, Tootsie
- Segment 7
- You Are My Sunshine
- Segment 8
- Yankee Doodle Dandy
- Segment 9
- Summertime
- Segment 10
- Sitting On Top of the World
- Segment 11
- Wash that Man Right Out of My Hair
- Segment 12
- Let Me Entertain You
- Segment 13
- Chicago
- Segment 14
- Bill Bailey
- Segment 15
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- Segment 16
- Suwannee River
- Segment 17
- Friends Like You
- Segment 18
- Dolli’s Guy
- Segment 19
- Broadway
- Segment 20
- Birthday
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdZcDC1pJyc
- https://worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-Audio/Archive-Recording-Engineer/70s/Recording-1978-10.pdf
- https://worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-Audio/Mix-Magazine/70s/1979/Mix-1979-07.pdf
- https://archive.org/details/PersonalComputing197904/page/n11/mode/2up?q=pizza+time+theatre+pdp
- https://www.showbizpizza.com/info/articles/cec/ptt_79sjmercury.pdf
- https://youtu.be/EdKLsomLbtY
- https://www.showbizpizza.com/info/articles/cec/ptt_79fsm.pdf