Chuck E's Rockin' Rhymes

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Chuck E's Rockin' Rhymes (April 2001) released April 2001 and ran through June 2001.

The show is notable for having only one song per segment (similar to Chuck E's Variety Show), as well as prominently featuring the Studio C puppets in the main show footage.

Existing Show List:

  1. Segment 1
    1. Party Place
  2. Intermission 1
    1. VeggieTales - "We're Vikings"
  3. Segment 2
    1. Humpty Dumpty
  4. Intermission 2
    1. Eddie Coker - "The Dog"
    2. Store Intro - "Spokane, WA"
    3. CEC TV ID - "Couch"
  5. Segment 3
    1. Sharing
  6. Intermission 3
    1. The Wiggles - "Get Ready to Wiggle"
  7. Segment 4
    1. Little Red Riding Hood
  8. Intermission 4
    1. Super Jasper - "Resisting Temptation"
    2. Store Intro - "Sendero, Chilie"
    3. CEC TV ID - "Couch"
  9. Segment 5
    1. Think Happy
  10. Intermission 4
    1. VeggieTales - "Larry's High Silk Hat"
  11. Segment 6
    1. Jack & Jill
  12. Intermission 6
    1. Eddie Coker - "Mrs. Gillafrudnick"
    2. Store Intro - "Orlando, FL"
    3. CEC TV ID - "Couch"
  13. Segment 7
    1. Be My Friend
  14. Intermission 7
    1. The Wiggles - "Do the Monkey"
  15. Segment 8
    1. The Three Little Investors
  16. Intermission 8
    1. Chuck E. Goes Ballooning
    2. Store Intro - "Spokane, WA"
    3. CEC TV ID - "Couch"


  • Loren Soman created the CEC TV 3D bumper seen after the first segment.[1]
  • The working title for this show was "The Just for Kids Show II".[2]
  • The footage for "Be My Friend" was filmed at the Orlando, FL (I-Drive) and Dallas, TX (Monfort) locations.

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