Chuck E. Cheese's Limited Edition Survivor Plush (2004)

From Cheese-E-Pedia

Chuck E. Cheese's Limited Edition Survivor Plush (2004) 


Price: $6.99
Wholesale Price: $3.50
Release Date: Second Quarter 2004
Manufacturer: Dennis Foland, Inc.


Dimensions: 8.5in
Label:SURIVIOR CHUCK E. Deep in the jungle, Survivor Chuck E. Uses his binoculars to search for insects and dangerous animals. On this exciting adventure, he hopes to capture a rare dragonfly for his collection. Survivor Chuck E. would love for you to join him in his adventures. © CEC Entertainment Concepts, L.P Remove all tags before giving to child
Label:LIMITED EDITION SURVIVOR CHUCK E. 2004 © CEC Entertainment Concepts, L.P SURFACE WASHABLE ONLY ALL NEW MATERIAL CONTAINS: Polyester Fiber ОН Reg No. PA 7329 (RC) for PA, OH, MA Made In China

The Limited Edition Survivor Chuck E. was an official product produced for prize counters in 2004.


Survivor Chuck E. received its first prototype in 2002, however wouldn't be released until 2004. Each location would most likely receive 12 plushies, like many limited editions after, to be on display and purchase for guests and would be on display until sold out.[1]

December 11, 2002 Prototype

The December 2002 prototype, called Safari Chuck E. Cheese, featured both binoculars and butterfly net as opposed to having one or the other. The general appearance of the plush was retained until its eventual release in 2004.

Prototype Gallery


The plush-toy features Chuck E. Cheese in an safari inspired outfit, with beige clothing accented by his brown shoes and belt buckle. The hat for Chuck E. features holes for his ears to pop out of for viewing.

The butterfly net variant has long sleeve shirt, long pants, and a dragon fly inside of the net--as for the binocular variant minorly changing Chuck E.'s outfit to wear a short sleeve shirt and shorts. In rare cases the butterfly net variant would be paired with the binoculars much like the prototype.


Any and all pictures of the item out there. Pictures of the item at the Prize Counter, inside stores, in magazines, or anywhere else should also be shown.
